WinZip(R) version 5.6 beta 1.0 Copyright (C) 1991-1994 Nico Mak Computing, Inc. All Rights Reserved PRE-RELEASE VERSION See the file README.TXT for installation instructions. The Internet is becoming more and more popular, and unlike CompuServe and most other online services, not all parts of the the Internet have standardized on the ZIP file format. Many Internet sites distribute files in "gzip" and Unix "compress" format (files ending in a Z) and use the old TAR (Unix Tape ARchive) format to group files. WinZip 5.6 adds support for the Z and TAR formats. This lets you use WinZip to work with almost all compressed files downloaded from the Internet. WinZip 5.6 also lets you decompress files in the "Microsoft Compress" format used on the Windows 3.x distribution disks and some other Microsoft product distribution disks. No external programs are needed for these file formats. Some notes on these new features: - WinZip does not let you create files in these formats, but other features (Extract, View, CheckOut) all work. - Unlike ZIP, TAR, LZH, ARJ, and ARC files Microsoft-compressed files and Z files (gzip/compress) contain only ONE file. - Unlike ZIP, LZH, ARJ, and ARC files, TAR files are NEVER compressed. - Since TAR files are often distributed in Z format (with extensions like .TAZ and .TGZ) WinZip treats Z files containing containing a TAR file as a special case: WinZip offers to decompress and open the TAR file. - There is no reliable way to determine the uncompressed size of files in the gzip and compress format, so WinZip shows the size as a question mark. Other minor changes since WinZip 5.5a: - The archive's drive letter is no longer included in the WinZip title bar. You can get the old behavior by adding the line DriveInTitle=1 to the [WinZip] section in your winzip(nt).ini. - A new checkbox in the Configuration dialog box determines whether the right mouse button pops up a menu or selects listbox entries as in earlier versions. - As in earlier versions of WinZip the default radio button in the Extract dialog box is "Selected Files" if any files are selected. If you prefer the default always be "All Files" add the line "DefaultExtractAll=1" to the [WinZip] section of your WINZIP.INI (or your WINZIPNT.INI if you are running the Win32 version). - Conversion from long names to MS-DOS 8.3 filenames is smarter than in previous versions: a name like XXX.YYY.TXT is now converted to XXXYYY.TXT rather than being truncated to XXX.YYY. ###